Happy Anniversary

I’m nowhere near as great a writer as this guy but I’m kicking ass in the sober department!!! Happy Soberversary to me!!! If you need help, get it! We all don’t start learning to walk or drive a car or anything else until we watch and learn from someone with a little experience.

You mean to tell me that you don't have Sweet Tea?

Congrats to one of my friends who today for celebrating 1 year of sobriety. I know a lot of good people who are in some type of a program and I always have the deepest respect for them. Congrats to Jam-Jam 1 (best I could come up with right now) on your birthday and here is to many, many more.

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Day 40: It’s Complicated

I’m going to reread this when I feel that abusive asshole lurking around …again!

Finding a Sober Miracle


I feel like I should change my Facebook status. I have just gone through a major break up and want people to know. I can’t believe I stayed with that asshole for so long.

Because drinking is like an abusive relationship.

It starts out with glorious promise, opening up a whole new world of possibilities. It solves every problem at once by becoming a sought after reward for the blah-ness of everyday living. Bored? Have a drink. Life will become fun, and friends will naturally gravitate to your newfound joie de vie.

But eventually, it becomes the focus of everything. Your job becomes something to do while it’s too early to drink and your friends are at work. Plus, you need money for your dates with alcohol. But it is so worth it! It eventually takes the place of all hobbies … unless the hobby can be done while drinking. Everything…

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